Applied Controls & Contracting Services, Inc.

Chicagoland Temperature Controls Contractor

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What is a Building Automation System?


A Building Automation System is an interactive system that enables automated configuration of a building's heating, cooling, and air conditioning systems. In other words, it allows the user to enter data in one location, such as a digital thermostat, computer, cell phone, or tablet, which will then send signals to the electronics and machinery that directly control the temperature in a building. In this way, a person can control the temperature in their home, church, school, or business from virtually anywhere.


Building Automation Systems (BAS) can also be referred to as "Smart Home" systems, which are usually designated as residential buildings. But, BAS can be done in residental or commercial buildings. We service primarily commercial buildings, however our sister company, Trinity Technology Services, Inc. services both residential and commercial. We service/install Johnson Controls' Facility Explorer, Honeywell/Cylon, and we have experience with Andover Controls. We are Tridium Certified and also have experience with BACnet and LonWorks.


Why do I need a Building Automation System?


A BAS system saves money by decreasing energy spend per square foot.